May 24, 2007
My Fellow American
I’m moving out of Larg’s Bay and into my professor’s house in Semaphore (the town next door) next week, and then I’ve got two weeks to find the next roof over my head. A friend from improv put out a “calling all friends with spare rooms” email, and much to my surprise, got 8 replies. Tonight I made my way into the city to meet Kate, potential roommate number one. Kate is in her mid-40’s, a professor in media studies, and from California. Her house is in ritzy North Adelaide, just a half hour walk into the city. We met at a pub around the corner from her place, ordered our fish and chips (not nearly as good as the Larg’s Bay Snack Kiosk but I digress), and got to know each other a bit. Rather, we got to know our mutual likes/dislikes about living in Adelaide.
Friendly people, the Central Market, national health care, fabulous public transportation, lamb, decent salaries (for those lucky enough to find a job), beaches, birds, wine.
Dislikes: slow internet connections, Mexican food (think nachos with spaghetti sauce), q-tips, game shows, mayonnaise, hamburgers.
So I guess the good outweighs the bad. Although most of the bad edible…..
My Fellow American
I’m moving out of Larg’s Bay and into my professor’s house in Semaphore (the town next door) next week, and then I’ve got two weeks to find the next roof over my head. A friend from improv put out a “calling all friends with spare rooms” email, and much to my surprise, got 8 replies. Tonight I made my way into the city to meet Kate, potential roommate number one. Kate is in her mid-40’s, a professor in media studies, and from California. Her house is in ritzy North Adelaide, just a half hour walk into the city. We met at a pub around the corner from her place, ordered our fish and chips (not nearly as good as the Larg’s Bay Snack Kiosk but I digress), and got to know each other a bit. Rather, we got to know our mutual likes/dislikes about living in Adelaide.
Friendly people, the Central Market, national health care, fabulous public transportation, lamb, decent salaries (for those lucky enough to find a job), beaches, birds, wine.
Dislikes: slow internet connections, Mexican food (think nachos with spaghetti sauce), q-tips, game shows, mayonnaise, hamburgers.
So I guess the good outweighs the bad. Although most of the bad edible…..
At 6:31 PM,
Kim Binsted said…
So, what's wrong with the Q-tips? Or do I not want to know?
At 2:11 PM,
Kristin Van Bodegraven said…
The q-tips are hard and sharp, making it painfull to clean your ears. Cleaning my ears is the closest thing to sex I'm having these days, so the fact that it's unpleasant has a deeper meaning.
Look Rodrigo, I barely speak English. And yesterday in a rather desperate hung over state, I ordered Nachos that came complete with lentils and lima beans.
At 3:08 PM,
Jen said…
I get upset when my nachos involve seafood. I would wig if lima beans were involved.
Did you find a new house yet?
At 3:41 PM,
Kristin Van Bodegraven said…
The truly confusing part is that when you go to the supermarket, you find salsa. So they've got the technology, they just don't know how to use it.
No house yet. I'm staying at my prof's house for two weeks while she's in America. It's a beautiful house-complete with working fireplace in the kitchen, vaulted ceilings, and numerous "sitting and sipping a lovely Reisling" areas in the yard. Also, still near the beach. I like my prof, but I wish she would stay in America for a very, very long time. How's Linus?
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