July 19, 2007
I Fought the Law
It was my last night in Adelaide before departing for my Hawaii/New Jersey vacation, and my classmates wanted to say goodbye. We met at bar First, where comfy couches and lovely fireplaces made it possible to drink without freezing. We were on our second or fourth bottle of Tasmanian Riesling when several tall, broad, reasonably attractive men sat down on our couches. After the round of introductions (complete with the “what I’m doing in Australia” conversation), we asked them about themselves. They told us they were cops. Naturally I didn’t believe them. Unmoved by their foolish assertions that they were in fact off-duty cops, I determined that a test was in order. “If you’re really cops,” I said haughtily, ‘you’ll know how to frisk me.”
It’s the closest I’ve ever come to being arrested.
I Fought the Law
It was my last night in Adelaide before departing for my Hawaii/New Jersey vacation, and my classmates wanted to say goodbye. We met at bar First, where comfy couches and lovely fireplaces made it possible to drink without freezing. We were on our second or fourth bottle of Tasmanian Riesling when several tall, broad, reasonably attractive men sat down on our couches. After the round of introductions (complete with the “what I’m doing in Australia” conversation), we asked them about themselves. They told us they were cops. Naturally I didn’t believe them. Unmoved by their foolish assertions that they were in fact off-duty cops, I determined that a test was in order. “If you’re really cops,” I said haughtily, ‘you’ll know how to frisk me.”
It’s the closest I’ve ever come to being arrested.
At 1:20 AM,
Mimi said…
In another comparison of the sisters...
you: "Frisk me"
me: "That's my hair towel!"
Who's sexier?
Now you know I can read.
At 1:28 AM,
Kristin Van Bodegraven said…
Hair towels do have that certain allure...
I think Caspian read this for you.
At 3:56 AM,
Kim Binsted said…
I should have used that line on the safety inspector who just showed up yesterday (yes, on an uninhabited island in the arctic circle thousands of miles from civilization).
Then again, he would probably have just criticized my plumbing.
At 2:31 AM,
Kristin Van Bodegraven said…
You can run but you can't hide from wiley Canadian Safety Inspectors.
I'm make a coment about someone's plumbing being rusty, but that someone could too easily question the amount of water that's been runing through my own pipes.
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