And I Can Cook, Too

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

April 10, 2006

Catch the Buzz

Kim arrived at Kailua Beach Park bound and determined to re-introduce her body to the joys of outrigger paddling. Unfortunately for Kim’s body, 40 + days of constant rain had caused a run-off that left the water a lovely shade of greenish-brown, and foamy enough to convince the paddling team that dropping in was not the best idea they’d ever had. Bearing in mind that every closed door leaves another one open, Kim quickly shifted her attention to Buzz’s Steak House, conveniently located across the street from the park. A few phone calls later, and my husband and were seated by her side. A few New York Steaks, Avocado Salads, and glasses of Shiraz later, and we were waxing poetic about the benefits of regular exercise.


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